
Second-hand shopping will save our planet ... Conscious shopping and 5 simple rules for conscious shopping.

Second-hand shopping will save our planet ... Conscious shopping and 5 simple rules for conscious shopping. />

Anyone can afford an artificial fur coat for one winter, a synthetic hat and a suit from the sale of mass markets. On the one hand, it's good that everyone can now buy affordable fashion items. But on the other hand, we buy a bunch of unnecessary garbage that people throw away within 12 months after buying. Cheap synthetics from mass markets, relevant for one season, are called "fast fashion", that is, "fast fashion". It is these clothes that, according to environmentalists, take the 2nd place in terms of the level of environmental pollution after oil.

Before quarantine, more than 100 billion garments were produced annually in the world. We enjoy shopping, so we want to buy more and more. We get hooked by marketers, we give in to emotions, not common sense.

However, stylists note: since the beginning of the pandemic, people began to treat things more expediently and more often to think - what to wear and why? This is due to a decrease in income and the fact that now - conscious shopping is in vogue. Everyone can switch to conscious consumption, but you can start from your own closet.

How to save money on clothes and go shopping with awareness?

Lockdown forced Ukrainians to save on clothing and footwear. They began to spend 20-25% less on them. In second hand you can find both everyday and unique things that are ten times more expensive in stores.

The famous blogger Karina Lira knows everything about second hand and it is there that she gets most of the things for her wardrobe. The girl is called “the vintage diva of the Ukrainian Instagram”. She has more than 180,000 subscribers, to whom she talks about her life and the history of fashion. On the You Tube channel, Karina shares the following video reviews with subscribers:

“How to learn to buy things at second-hand stores? A beginner's guide! "

“What did I buy at a thrift store? THE BEST!"

"Essential second-hand clothes for autumn"


and other interesting and useful videos.

In second-hand stores, you can find unique items that are ten times more expensive in ordinary stores. In addition, the girl understood: the secondary consumption of clothes is not only profitable, but also environmentally friendly!

“Second-hand stores will save our planet ... In second-hand stores, you can dress elegantly, stylishly, exquisitely, and most importantly, cheaply. For example, you can put together a complete look for 500 hryvnias,” says Karina.

5 simple rules for informed shopping:

- Avoid shopping therapy

Shopping is a cure for boredom, sadness, or sadness that leads to spontaneous buying decisions, leaving you with bags full of unnecessary items and only temporarily dulling negative feelings. During times like these, when you are sad or bored, it is better to bypass the shops and cheer up with something else, for example, doing what you love or chatting with friends / family.

- Apply the rule "one has come, one is gone"

When purchasing a new thing, get rid of one old one. This will help you not fill your home with unnecessary things and make your purchases more thoughtful.

- If in doubt, do not buy

Turn around and walk away. If you are thinking "Buy or not buy?", Without much confidence that you really like and need this thing, "pull yourself together" and leave. Take a break, look at other stores - distance and time will help you soberly assess your needs for replenishing your wardrobe.

- Tempting offers: promotions and discounts

Discounts are, of course, nice, but a conscious buyer, first of all, should be driven by the question “How much do I need this thing in my wardrobe?”. If you cannot confidently answer that this sweater (jacket, jeans, etc.) fits perfectly into your style and will suit at least several items already available, then you should postpone the purchase. Yes, the price tags with the words "discount", "action" look tempting, but if you are guided only by this, then there is a great risk that the purchase will collect dust in the closet and wait for a suitable opportunity, because the style will be inappropriate.

- Buy second hand

Buying second hand items is one of the most cost effective and efficient ways to create a mindful wardrobe. In second-hand stores, you can find quality items at affordable prices. For used clothes, you will pay only a fraction of what you would have spent on the same thing, only a new one. Buying such things, we give them a second life and reduce our own consumption, and, accordingly, the demand for the production of new clothes. And most importantly, your wardrobe will not harm the environment, as you reuse resources that have already been used up for production.
