Sorted by country of origin
First of all, second-hand goods are divided by country of origin.
We carry out direct deliveries of second hand wholesale from more than 20 countries of Europe, North America. The largest collection and processing points are concentrated in Austria, England, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Ireland, and Sweden, with which we work directly, thereby ensuring low prices and a wide range of second hand products.
Sorted by quality
The entire second hand is divided into several categories depending on the quality. There is no strict uniform classification, but the most frequently used categories can be noted:
Stock - these are things that were not in use and they must have branded labels and tags. Stock is collected from unsold collections of brand boutiques. The Stock category, in turn, is divided into brands and is often sold individually.
Cream - clothes and shoes are new or without traces of visible wear, often new things with cut labels come here. At least 20% of the Cream category - new clothes with branded tags and labels. Exclusive clothing models and the most expensive brands are very often found in this category. Cream are formed from goods collected from people with the addition of stock.
Extra / Lux - clothes and footwear with minimal wear, practically new. This category mainly includes casual wear of inexpensive European brands. The category mainly consists of garments without labels.
1st category - clothing and footwear with visible signs of wear and tear, outdated models, with defects, etc. Often this category is sold at very low prices.
The original is things that have not passed the sorting procedure. Possessing a low cost, the second hand "original" is very popular. Second-hand clothing is collected in various, as a rule, prosperous regions of Western Europe, at any time of the year and in different ways. This category can include clothes and shoes, as well as any other household items, including rags or even garbage.
Sort by type
Second-hand goods are divided into two main types:
Mixed or Mixed - this type of product includes various clothes collected in one package. Depending on the sorting factory, mixes can include women's, men's, children's clothing and various accessories, or a mixture of each of these categories. Mix is the main type of product and contains, as a rule, the best in quality and range of items.
Sorted by type - includes clothes sorted and packaged separately by type, for example, only jackets, only jeans, only T-shirts, etc. This type is often slightly lower in quality than “Mix”. Its advantage is that it allows you to close scarce clothing positions that are not found in mixes in sufficient quantities. There are also unique items in the sorting, such as military clothing, motor sports equipment, cycling helmets, electrical appliances, etc.
Other types of sorting
Second-hand, depending on manufacturers, can be divided according to seasonality into winter, summer and mixed. By appointment: women, men, children.
Separate items are shoes, bed linen, household items, towels, accessories (hats, scarves, gloves, shawls), caps, bags, jewelry, toys.
A wide assortment of products of different categories and price ranges is presented in the warehouses of SRS Company, which allows you to select and constantly maintain the desired assortment, depending on demand and direction.